Saying Good Byes

Tuesday was Ariels last day. I was so sad, but i have a week and two days left before i have to leave. here's an update Dain has been at plenty (can't spell that) and well molly has lifeguard, so I'm looking at the rest of the week and next week by myself. this will be awfully, but i can do it I've done alot worse, anyway back to the ETC subject. i have not finished those questions.

What was your first impression of The Farm/Ecovillage?

i was not sure about how they would do things

How have your feelings/perceptions about The Farm/Ecovillage changed?

yes alot, i found out that people are much nicer and are very understnding

What skills have you acquired since starting here?

how do make walls and floors out of natural stuff and it actualy work. um... what all you can do with bamboo.

What else have you learned?

alot about how to accept other people and what they think and believe.

Have you met anyone interesting?

yes i have. i'v met alot of interesting people. not to say names but switch blade wade and merry madlien.

Do you have sense of accomplishments from any of the projects you have worked on?

yes i do, some of the projects we haved worked on i know will still be there

What new words/phrases have you learned since coming here?

oh well there are so many i can't remember them all.

Do you enjoy your duties?

most of them yes, but some are harder.

What is your favorite job you've had here?

oh well i think making the bench/wall. i had so much fun. we all got along when we did that.

What else have you enjoyed?

i'v enjoyed the people and the fun times we have.

What has been challenging for you here?

the physical part of the job is a bit challenging but after a while ya kinda get used to it.

Have you had any interaction with the local wild life?

yes the other day i saw a deer, but we can't forget the insects that seem to pop up when ever, oh and the water cearchers

What have you learned about green/sustainable living in your time here?

oh alot, somethings i'v learned here i did not even know you can do.

Have you or your views changed since you started working here?

um... yes to a point. i'v learned there are just somethings you don't do and there are somethings that are ok.

Has your experience here changed your dreams or goals?

no not really...

Have you enjoyed your time here?

yes i have.

How else have you changed in your time here?

i'v physicaly gotten better.

Do you feel closer to nature than when you started here?

i was close when i first started here but i have gotten closer.

What experience has been the most beneficial?

ah.. there is not one splific experience, the whole experience has been beneficial.

What advice would you give to new/prospective interns?

hum... well just have fun and you will learn alot.

What will you do next after working here?

i'm going to go back to school and finish high school. hopfully become a game desighner in the future.

End of Q&A

Have fun you guys!


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