Molly's first post

Howdy ya'll!

I'm Molly and I was the last of the interns to arrive at the Ecovillage this Summer. I attended high school on the Farm at The Farm School (check 'em out at Currently, during the school year, I attend Hampshire College in Amherst, MA; I'll be a sophomore next year majoring in a combination of Biology and Journalism and I am eagerly anticipating it. I love nature and any opportunities that allow my creative side to show itself.

This Summer has been great so far: a lot of fun and a wonderful learning experience, as Summers should be. I started working here three and a half weeks ago and in that time have learned a great deal about permaculture and natural building.

My first week here I didn't start until Tuesday due to an important trip out of town (Bonnaroooooo!!!), but once I arrived Magen, Ariel, and I worked on moss collection and started a living roof on top of a new building at the Ecovillage.

My second week we had a guest named Dylan who joined the interns, and we worked on a cement wall, learning how to mix cement and build with wire while we worked. Also, all of the interns took a field trip to Jennifer and Matt English's off-grid house and learned how to build using the "light clay" technique, which involves a mixture of clay and straw, and is relatively easy and quick compared to most "standard" building techniques.

The third week the natural building crew, which is usually responsible for directing us, took a trip down to Alabama. Thus, we got to do our first relatively-unsupervised project: building a berm near the garden out of earth bags, mesh wire, and stucco; we all learned how to mix cement, sand. clay, and lime to make a sturdy, pretty stucco and our resulting berm is surprisingly good! (We're tiling it now and will post pictures of the finished piece.)

Peace and love.



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