Q&A: Dain

Did you want this job at first?

I wasn't sure. Sometimes having to be around people I don't know can put me off. I decided to give it a try though. It seemed more interesting than the other possibilities available to me.

Are you glad you came now?

Absolutely. Everyone is nice and while the work can be hard at times it can also be very rewarding in numerous ways.

What was your first impression of The Farm/Ecovillage?

I tried to be open-minded. I have roots at the Farm and while I didn't a lot about what the people at the Ecovillage do, I did know that they were good peoplewho were working on some interesting eco-friendly projects.

How have your feelings/perceptions about The Farm/Ecovillage changed?

I'm not sure they really have. I know alot more people, but I still think of this place the same way. It's a great place to learn interesting things while in the company of good people.

What skills have you acquired since starting here?

Lots of things. Everything from tile mosaics to building things with bamboo.

What else have you learned?

Again I have learned a lot, but what comes to mind right now is teamwork. I've worked with the other interns and many other people. It's a good environment to study how best to interact with people in order to accomplish a common goal.

Have you met anyone interesting?

Definitely. I could name a great many people. Those that had the greatest effect of me thus far have probably been Danielle Noel Gibeson(an artist/chef) and Joshua H. Doolittle(who taught me about the many amazing uses for bamboo).

Do you have a sense of accomplishment from any of the projects you have worked on?

Sure do. The one that first comes to mind is the art i did in tile. I like the thought of that being there for people to enjoy for years to come. We've done some other stuff like that too.

What new words/phrases have you learned since coming here?

Several. A couple of the ones I like are "Shouthouse"( used to describe the composting "outhouse"/solar "shower" building being built) and "Hippitats" (The small cob buildings with living roofs beings constructed. Hippy habitats).

Do you enjoy your duties?

For the most part. There will always be a few less desirable tasks mixed into the fun ones, so that things can keep running smoothly. I do enjoy being placed in charge of projects. I like that responsibility.

What is your favorite job you've had here?

Possibly experimenting with building bamboo structures. I've enjoyed many of my jobs here at the Ecovillage.

What else have you enjoyed?

The work I did with tile and stucco(that we made) was alot of fun. We tiled various pictures and patterns onto a wall.

What has been challenging for you here?

If anything it would probably be the hot sun, although at times there is heavy lifting involved in some projects.

Have you had any interaction with the local wild life?

Just yesterday I saw a raven and some strange frogs with blue upper lips. I see butterflies and bees on the flowers all day long. Snakes, frogs, lizards, and chickens are a common sight. Creatures like deer and salamanders have also been spotted. Last but not least, there are beautiful flowers, bamboo, and fruit trees everywhere.

What have you learned about green/sustainable living in your time here?

A great deal, I think. I've learned a bit about solar panels, cob, and living roofs, and other alternative building methods, just off the top of my head.

Have you or your views changed since you started working here?

Not really, but I can certainly see how other people/s' might. I think I was already on the same wavelength.

Has your experience here changed your dreams or goals?

No, but I do feel somewhat better prepared to reach them.

Have you enjoyed your time here?

I have. I have met good people; some of whom I will probably have lasting friendships with after I leave.

How else have you changed in your time here?

Well if I have changed at all it would probably be that I am more relaxed when meeting new people. The people at the Ecovillage are very accepting. It is a place of very healthy growth.

Do you feel closer to nature than when you started here?

A little. I have always been close with nature. Being out in it so often though has helped me relax some.

What experience has been the most beneficial?

I don't know. I'm not done here yet. :)

What advice would you give to new/prospective interns?

Wear sunscreen, keep a positive attitude & open mind, and make an effort to meet all of the people here.

What will you do next after working here?

I'm going to Oregon; most likely to study Biotechnology.


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