Q & A: Ariel

Okay, we recently made lots of questions for the interns to answer, so here are my answers.
  1. Did you want this job at first?
    Not at all. I wanted something in a store or an office or something. Nothing like this. I hated coming back the next day.
  2. Are you glad you came now?
    Now I am, yeah. But this is six weeks in. I wasn’t happy with this job until about two weeks in. That was around the same time that I started to get to know everyone and I realized it was okay for us to joke around as long as we got our job done. People didn’t really care if we goofed off a little.
  3. What was your first impression of The Farm/Ecovillage?
    I thought everyone was really nice and welcoming. The ETC was amazing. If one person finished their job they would try to help someone who hasn’t finished their job yet. Everyone is so helpful. It’s awesome.
  4. How have your feelings/perceptions about The Farm/Ecovillage changed?
    When I found out that I was going to be working at the hippie farm, well I’m sure you can figure out what I was thinking. But after 6 weeks here, I’ve realized that people on the farm work a lot harder than most people I know. They do most things by hand. I’ve never seen anyone there use a drill at all. When we had to mix cement we had to mix it in wheelbarrows with hoes.
  5. What skills have you acquired since starting here?
    I’ve learned how to make cob; stucco; cement stairs; cut down, strip, and split bamboo.
  6. What else have you learned?
    I’ve learned new people skills.
  7. Have you met anyone interesting?
    I’ve met a lot of interesting people. I met a kid from Indonesia; Some people from Canada; an Asian guy named Enoch (I’m not sure where he is from); a teacher from, I think, New York; I could keep going for quite a while, but I think you get the picture. There are a lot of people I’ve met and they are all very interesting.
  8. Do you have a sense of accomplishments from any of the projects you have worked on?
    Yes. Most of them are small little accomplishments, but they are still accomplishments to me. The most invigorating one was moving that big log/one third of a tree. (Whatever you want to call it.) The biggest accomplishment I feel I’ve done is staying at the ETC. I hated it so much, but I stuck it out and now I feel as if I never wanted to leave.
  9. What new words/phrases have you learned since coming here?
    The only one I can think of right now is “Scarce as hens tea.”
  10. Do you enjoy your duties?
    Not at first, no. I hated them, but now I have better duties and I get to choose what I do… For the most part. Now we have some fun when we are working. It helps to goof off while we’re working that way the job gets done and we find a way to pass the time quickly.
  11. What is your favorite job you've had here?
    I love it when we get to cook. It is definitely my favorite job.
  12. What else have you enjoyed?
    I liked when we tiled the wall. That was pretty fun.
  13. What has been challenging for you here?
    At this job if you need to leave they will let you go. The most challenging part is staying there when the car is there and you know they will let you go if you need to. = )
  14. Have you had any interaction with the local wild life?
    I’ve seen lots of bugs. The first time we went to eat lunch at the Farm Store we seen some deer. That was the 1st time I’ve seen deer that close to so many people.
  15. What have you learned about green/sustainable living in your time here?
    That there are a lot of different types of green building that all involves some sort of clay and/or sand.
  16. Have you or your views changed since you started working here?
    Yes, I’ve seen all the buildings that were made naturally, but now I know how much work goes into making it and I have much, much more respect for the builders.
  17. Has your experience here changed your dreams or goals?
    Not really, I mean, it’s all really interesting, but as I keep working here I realize more and more that I don’t want to do anything like this for the rest of my life and I will go to collage.
  18. Have you enjoyed your time here?
    Yes, I have, but when this is over I think I will be pretty happy.
  19. How else have you changed in your time here?
    I have a better tolerance for physical labor since I’ve worked here.
  20. Do you feel closer to nature than when you started here?
    Not really, I’ve always felt some sort of connection to nature, but it hasn’t really grown since I’ve been here.
  21. What experience has been the most beneficial?
    Cooking for many people has been really beneficial to me, especially since I’m thinking about going into culinary arts.
  22. What advice would you give to new/prospective interns?
    Don’t give up. If you have questions don’t be afraid to ask. Drink lots of water. = )
  23. What will you do next after working here?
    Go back to high school as a senior, enjoy the year and go to collage after that.


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