Update & Q & A: Magen

Hi everyone, it's me again, the Dragon. They wanted us to answer some questions so I'll do them later. I have to tell you about Monday and Thursday morning first.

Okay, on Monday, we made lunch for most of the day. They like us making lunch. I don't know why. Everyone gets to make lunch at the ETC. We've made lunch twice in our stay here.

Okay on Thursday, In the morning I drove into the driveway and there was this deer in the road, so I grabbed my camera and took some pictures. This was the first deer I've seen in the 6 weeks I've worked.

Okay now question time..

Did you want this job at first?

I really had no choice in the matter. I was told that I was going to be working here. I am enrolled in a government program for the summer.

Are you glad you came now?

Yes I am. The people here are so fun. It's almost like I'm not working at all.
End of Questions!!!
Thanks for reading you guys
~~~~~Midnight Purple Dragon ~~~~~


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