Bunches of Building: Ariel

Monday was pretty good. We worked more on the bench in the Hodge-Podge lodge and cooked lunch again. We didn’t make such a mess this time. It was still really fun though. Tuesday was kind of boring. I mixed some kind of mixture (almost like cob only much, much wetter and no sand) the whole day. They were using it for insulation and stuff on this guy’s house. Thursday we mixed Portland cement and made stairs out of it and the stone they collected from the creek the first day I worked there. After we finished the stairs we worked on a wall that was made with earthen bags and barbed wire. We had to mix sand, clay, water, lime, and Portland cement to make a mixture called stucco. It was pretty easy if we could only remember the recipe. = ) It took us some time but we finally figured it out and it worked out pretty well. It was really messy at first though. We were spilling it a lot the first day. Friday we stayed with the stucco wall the whole day. It was pretty fun. We could finally make the stucco without repeatedly asking what the ratios were.


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